Board Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery 

  Liposuction is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure. Good candidates for body contouring through liposuction should be healthy and within 30 percent of their ideal body weight. Fat that is removed with liposuction is gone forever.  It never comes back.

  A flat stomach is important to a physically fit appearance. A healthy diet and regular abdominal workouts often do little to eliminate accumulations of excess fat and loose, sagging skin plus or minus stretch marks in the abdominal area. If you are bothered by these appearance problems, abdominoplasty  or a "tummy tuck" may be a good choice for you.

  An abdominoplasty is designed to firm and smooth the abdomen. This procedure removes excess skin, fat and stretch marks from the abdomen. It also tightens the tone of the adbominal wall. The result is a flatter, tighter more attractive abdominal profile.  

For more before and after, click on image.

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